
Submission List

Find all our scientist’s registered talks below. Join us! Register your 2slides4future talk now: Make your voice heard!

Date Lecturer Institution Presentation-title Research-field
2024-12-12 PD Dr. med. Maren Goeckenjan University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus PJ-Fortbildung - Sectio Gynaecology, gynecological endocrinology, reproductive medicine
2024-09-26 Prof. Dr. Anja Katharina Peters Evangelische Hochschule Dresden Pflegediensthelferkurse als Einstieg in das Pflegestudium Nursing
2024-10-05 MSC Malone Shaun UA manual therapy course over one year manual therapy
2024-01-02 Dr. Michael Schonnebeck Tagesklinik am Hansaring, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie Verbitterungsstörung Psychosomatik
2023-11-23 MSc Sonja Schoenberg Berne University of Aplied Sciences Sustainable diets Planetary Health
2023-11-23 MSc Sonja Schoenberg University of Aplied Sciences Sustainable diets Planetary Health
2022-11-29 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Patientin Erde - Warum Planetary Health Bestandteil des Medizinstudiums sein sollte Medizindidaktik
2022-12-16 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Mündliche Prüfungen - Wie können sie den Gütekriterien gerecht werden? Medizindidaktik
2022-12-02 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Digital Planetary Health - Einfluss der Digitalisierung Digital Health
2022-11-15 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University How healthcare can become more sustainable with digital help Digital Health
2022-10-26 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Digitalisierung als Chance für eine nachhaltige Gesundheitsversorgung Digital Health
2022-10-06 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Einsatz digitaler Prüfungsformate im Medizinstudium Medizindidaktik
2022-10-04 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Künstliche Intelligenz – Utopie oder Dystopie? Digital Health
2022-09-30 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Digital Health Digital Health
2022-09-16 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Wie kommen digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen zu den Patient:innen? Wunsch und Wirklichkeit Digital Health
2022-06-19 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Glücksperspektiven…und Innovation Mediation
2022-03-14 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University Früher war alles besser? Wie steht es um die heutige Jugend? Service Learning
2022-03-03 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University gesundekids - Vorstellung eines neuen Projektes im Distrikt 1900 Service Learning
2022-11-12 Prof. Dr. Jan P. Ehlers Witten/Herdecke University DIGAs und PROMs – ein aktueller Überblick Digital Health
2022-11-09 Dr. rer. hum. biol. Eisele Marion Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf Einführung in die ambulante Versorgung Medizin
2022-11-16 Prof. Dr. Cornelia Frese University Hospitel Heidelberg, Dental School Oral Biofilm, Restorative Dentistry, Cariology Conservative Dentistry
2022-11-16 Professor Wolfgang Söllner Paracelsus Medical University Climate Crisis and Mental Health Psychosomatic Medicine
2022-11-14 Dr. med. Timo Specht Asklepios Klinik Am Kurpark Bad Schwartau Psychosomatische Rehabilitation Psychosomatik, Rehabilitation
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2022-10-26 Dr. med Teresa Möhr Klinikum Nürnberg Fallvignette aus der Klinik Psychosomatik
2022-09-23 Dr. Ulrike Sonntag Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Seminar für angehende Hausärzt*innen medicine, psychology
2022-09-23 MD PhD Koch Daniel Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior Integrated Regulation of Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C Phosphorylation States by Protein Kinases and Phosphatases Cardiovascular Biology
2022-09-23 MD PhD Koch Daniel Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior Integrated Regulation of Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C Phosphorylation States by Protein Kinases and Phosphatases Cardiovascular Biology
2022-06-24 Dr. med. Engel Felicitas Heidelberg University Bauchschmerzen, psychische Belastung und Bewältigungsstrategien – Eine Zeitreihenanalyse von Reizdarmsyndrom-Betroffenen Psychosomatic Medicine/Irritable Bowel Syndrome
2022-01-28 Climate Activist Chris Schaumann FridaysForFuture The Climate Crisis - Global State, Implications for Sri Lanka, Solutions & what you can do! Climate Communication
2022-03-09 Dr. med. Cornelia Buldmann Medizinische Fakultät Bielefeld, GP in Praxis Klimasprechstunde general practioner, climate
2021-10-19 Prof. Dr. med. Michael Frey University of applied sciences Biopsychosocial Medicine Psychiatry
2021-10-07 Dr MAGENDIE Christine ECPCP Unexpected consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on Paediatric primary care Primary Care Pediatrics
2021-09-06 PD Dr. Markus Müller Paracelsus Medical University Scientific Competence for Medical Students Psychosomatic Medicine
2021-11-05 Dr. med. Irmgard Pfaffinger BPM Klimakrise und Psychosomatische Medizin Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
2020-11-26 Dr. Ulrike Kutscha Zentrum für Informations- und Medizintechnik, Uniklinik Heidelberg Die Nachhaltigkeit der Nachhaltigkeit: Die WIN-Charta Nachhaltiges Krankenhaus
2020-11-10 - Kremer Thomas University of Heidelberg Basic Anatomy (Revision Course) -
2020-07-15 PD Dr. rer. nat., MME Kühl Susanne Biochemie und Molekulare Biologie Proteinbiochemie, Biochemisches Praktikum Medical Education
2020-07-07 Dr. Vergara Andrea Pivote Everything Vibrates Mindfulness
2020-04-06 M. A. Derreza Salomón Hochschule Düsseldorf Curso de español Spanisch
2020-01-11 PD Dr. rer. nat. Kühl Susanne Ulm University Basics der medizinisch-experimentellen Dissertation Medical Education
2019-11-11 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Psychotraumatology psychotherapy research
2019-11-06 Prof. (Apl.) Dr. med. er MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatic Anxiety disorders Psychotherapy; medical education
2019-11-04 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. Christoph Nikendei, MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine Inpatient psychotherapy psychotherapy research, medical education
2019-10-28 PD Dr. rer. nat. Kühl Susanne Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ulm University Lernstrategien und universitäre Prüfungsformate in der Molekularen Medizin Medical Education
2019-10-24 Dr. rer. nat. Kühl Susanne Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Mit dem Master of Medical Education (MME) zum umgekehrten Biochemie Klassenzimmer Medical Education
2019-10-21 Dr. med. Bugaj Till Johannes Department of General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics, University Hospital Heidelberg Medical curiosity - a disregarded character trait in physicians. Mental health and medical education
2019-10-21 PD Dr. rer. nat. Kühl Susanne Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lernstrategien und universitäre Prüfungsformate in der Molekularen Medizin Molecular Medicine
2019-10-19 PD Dr. rer. nat. Kühl Susanne Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Basics zur medizinisch-experimentellen Dissertation I: Wissenschaftliche Schreiben und Präsentieren in der Doktorarbeit Medical Education
2019-10-14 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics, University of Heidelberg psychotraumatology psychotherapy research, medical education, psychotraumatology
2019-10-07 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics, University of Heidelberg Inpatient Psychotherapy psychotherapy reasearch; medical education
2019-09-27 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Universitätsklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Psychosomatik Medical Clerkship in a State Registration and Reception Center for Forced Migrants in Germany: Students’ Experiences, Teachable Moments and Psychological Burden. psychotherapy reasearch; medical education
2019-07-27 PD Dr. rer. nat. Kühl Susanne Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Basics zur medizinisch-experimentellen Dissertation I: Wissenschaftliche Schreiben und Präsentieren in der Doktorarbeit Medical Education
2019-09-27 Dr. Bugaj Till Johannes Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Detailanalyse studentischer Teachable Moments und Nutzungsverhalten der innovativen Smartphone-App "MyTeaM" Medical Education
2019-09-19 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Anxiety disorders Psychotherapy research, medical education
2019-09-20 Dr. Ihrig Andreas Krebsberatungsstelle Nordbaden, Universitätsklinik Heidelberg Prostate Cancer Patients and their spouses Psychooncology
2019-09-16 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Psychotraumatology Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy, Medical Education
2019-09-09 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Inpatient Psychotherapy Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy, Medical Education
2019-09-12 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Psychotraumatology: Challenges for Social Workers Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy, Medical Education
2019-09-04 MSc Grossert Astrid Universität Basel Von der Forschung in die Praxis - ein Erfahrungsbericht über das online Programm STREAM Psychoonkologie
2019-07-17 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei University of Heidelberg, Department of General Internal Medicine and Psychosmatics The Psychodynamic of Anxiety Disorders Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy Reaseach, Medical Education
2019-07-08 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics, University of Heidelberg Inpatient Psychotherapy Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy Research
2019-06-20 Prof. Dr. med. Schaefert Rainer University Hospital Basel Dealing with non-adherent patients in daily practice Psychosomatic Medicine, Medical communication
2019-05-10 A.Prof. Florian Buchner University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Clinical encounter cards on their way to routine during clinical rotations ? Veterinary Medicine
2019-05-23 M. A. Harald Ille Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft Frankfurt Online Strategy Communications
2019-05-10 Dr. med. Julia Tabatabai University Hospital Heidelberg HIV and RSV Virology
2019-05-07 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei University of Heidelberg, Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Psychotraumatology Psychotherapy research, medical education, psychotraumatology
2019-05-08 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei University of Heidelberg, Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Psychodynamic Intervention - Training with role-play and standardized patients Psychotherapy research, medical education, psychotraumatology
2019-05-17 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei University of Heidelberg, Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics The "Dynamic"-Curriculum - a curriculum to teach psychodynamic interventions to psychological psychotherapists in training Psychotherapy research, medical education, psychotraumatology
2019-05-27 Prof. (apl.) Dr. med. et MME Christoph Nikendei University of Heidelberg, Department for General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics Inpatient Psychotherapy Psychotherapy research, medical education, psychotraumatology